Cushion: An Interactive Media Womb

Presented at Toronto’s Nuit Blanche Exhibition

Overview: Designed and built hardware and software for interactive electronic art installation at Nuit Blanche, attracting 7,000+ visitors in 12 hours

The contemporary city is a space of sensory overload. On this night in particular, crowds will be exposed to a cacophony of stimulation: from imagery and noise, to movement and smell. Cushion will provide a cushioned ‘media-womb’ where visitors can reflect in isolation and comfort.

Enter a refuge from the chaos - alleyway turned into a place of contemplation by otherworldly sculptures of plastic and air. These huddled sculptures react to your presence in a dialogue of the senses. They will respond to changes in light from your shadow, pressure from your touch, or the sound of your voice as you move between them.

Find a moment of pause from the overwhelming speed of information outside. Allow your thoughts to wander amidst these contemporary forms with shifting expressions.



Technical Drawings



Emerson Vargas Niño
Emerson Vargas Niño
Aerospace Engineer and Educator

Developing advanced solutions and leading multidisciplinary teams